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What’s up

End of June update…

Hey All y’all! Yep, we’ve been spending some time in the south. Can someone remind me what it’s like to have a shower and not feel hot and sticky 5 minutes later? It’s been a hot summer in more ways than one so far… And the humidity has been outrageous – I have been enduring […]

27 June 2010 / Read

Hmmm…Guess I need a MacBook…and other events!

Hi everyone! Okay, I admit it…I’m a bit of a slacker in the blogging department. I know, I know – it’s not the first time I’ve confessed this. You see, if you know me, then you know that I work hard and I do get a lot done. I rarely procrastinate and I am fairly […]

31 May 2010 / Read

It was March…and then it was April!

Woah!  So much has happened since I last wrote.  I can’t keep up.  And I love it! We toured California, Oregon & Washington at the beginning of March and had a wonderful time.  We got to see some old friends and met some new ones which is usually the case, but we have some dear […]

13 April 2010 / Read

Olympic Fiddler!

Well as a lot of you know by now, I had the experience of a life time recently when I performed in the Opening Ceremonies of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games.  I have been super busy ever since and it’s taken me a little while to get to this, but I really wanted to share some […]

19 March 2010 / Read

MusicBox Project – exciting stuff!

April is thrilled and honored to announce her involvement in an exciting project, namely, The MusicBox Project.  The MusicBox Project (founded by Rick & DyAnn Arthur) is a non-profit corporation whose mission it is to document and preserve musical history while advancing music education and occupational avenues of creation and performance.  April was recently interviewed and recorded […]

3 April 2010 / Read
AVB-Tennessee Wagoner

April Verch Band – Tennessee Wagoner


11 February 2010 / Read
AVB-Slip Away

April Verch Band – Slip Away


11 February 2010 / Read

April Verch Band – Mashup


11 February 2010 / Read


  We had SUCH a GREAT tour of the midwest & southwest!  Thank you to all of the new friends we met along the way for coming out and supporting live music – and us!  It’s the first time in a while that we’ve had to overnight more CDs and then still ended up selling […]

5 February 2010 / Read

…down the yellow brick road!

Hey everyone! We’ve had a wonderful kick-off to our current tour.  We started out in Fayetteville, AR at GoodFolk.  Let me just say that they lived up to their name – what an amazing audience, we couldn’t have asked for a better first night!  It was also our first gig with our new vocal condensor […]

26 January 2010 / Read

It’s a new year!

And we are sooooo excited about 2010.  So many good things have happened already and it’s only going to keep getting better.  Highlights?  Touring, touring, touring of course!  We hope to see you along the way.  As I type this I’m waiting with Clay in the Wichita airport for Cody to arrive.  Once Cody arrives our Midwestern […]

21 January 2010 / Read

How did it get to be December?

Okay, so I’ve been meaning to make this blog entry for quite a while.  You know how it goes, long to-do lists, and limited internet time on the road…  These posts get pushed back sometimes despite my best intentions.  And now when I finally got around to it I checked the date of my last […]

14 December 2009 / Read